"E-C-C Verein fur interdisziplinare Beratung und Bildung"
Education – Culture – Citizenship - AUSTRIA
ECC focuses on the interdisciplinary approach at vocational and personal adult education and counselling:
Training of social competences
Basic skills
Diversity & gender
Train the trainer programmes
European integration
Labour market skills
Verein für Arbeit und Kultur e.V. - GERMANY
VKA, the Association “Culture & Work” (Verein “Kultur und Arbeit” e. V.) is an institution which offers services at the interface of education, culture and working market. Embedded in a network of partners in nine European countries (Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Poland, Greece, United Kingdom and Luxembourg) the association offers expertise in the operational steering of application projects in education (especially vocational training) and cultural economy.
Instituto Politecnico de Beja/Escola Superior de Educacao - PORTUGAL
The Beja’s Higher School of Education of (ESEB) is a non-profit public organization, specifically a higher school for dedicated to the training of teachers in cultural, scientific, technical and professional aspects. Direct target groups of ESEB’s activity are students in the age range between 18 and 25 years old in initial education, but also student between 24 and 30 years old in pos-graduation studies.
Cooperativa Cramars - ITALY
Cooperativa Cramars works on a local and regional basis with Adult Community Learning sector. The main activity is the development of training courses but it also does social-economic searches, it livens up marginal communities and promotes equal opportunity projects. Cramars is accredited from the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia to organize courses for apprentices, target for this project (compulsory in our region).
Oberstufenzentrum Burowirtschaft und Verwaltung - GERMANY
OSZ Office Economy and Administration is the umbrella for various educational activities: Apart from secondary highschool and gygmnasium OSZ runs a vocational school for office and administration professions in the private and public sector.
OSZ has 3000 students per year. Within the framework of the educational programme, OSZ is dedicated to promote international relations and to ameliorate the communicative competences among trainees and trainers. These efforts have been acknowledged by receiving a mobility certificate from the German LLP National Agency in 2009.
Hallo, können wir nicht auch Stefan Hann als Partner auf die Seite nehmen? Immerhin ist er der "Fashion" näher als wir alle...
ReplyDeleteKarin 27.3.2011